Velvet Pockets, Flower Grave

I’d gladly leave the lights of the city

for the sounds of these nights

Still learning, but for this one thing,

I’ve seen enough

Knife to the chest, ears to the ground,

can you hear it, too?

I’m not always here, but I’d still make a space and clear her way

Do you know the value of a life?

Its beautiful blue horizons smothered

in deep velvet pockets, my neat assembly

of her counterfeit smiles

I’d abandon her;

beautiful safe creation,

offer her being to the next moon

For the entire distance that light travels,

I’d throw her soul,

bown marrow on fire,

dance with mercy and silence

on her full-blooded flower grave

Blinded by less than a light-year, she’d soon

be weightless,

do you know?

For the sounds of these nights,

I’d transport her between countries

and lines

Through tides and winds it takes time

and no time at all to be wise

I’ve seen enough, been put to the test,

these nights, I promise,

are all that we have